Men infertility and zinc

Zinc as an Essential Element for Male Fertility

Zinc is an essential mineral, is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement.

Several studies have shown that zinc levels in seminal plasma are positively associated with male fertility and that zinc supplementation can significantly increase semen volume, sperm motility, and percentage of normal sperm morphology.

Adequate zinc concentrations have also been linked to good testosterone production which influences sexual desire, sexual health, and long-term male fertility. In addition, it has been suggested that zinc acts as an important anti-inflammatory factor and that it is involved in its oxidative metabolism and is essential for conception and embryo implantation.

On the other hand, smoking has been shown to significantly reduce male fertility. The good news is that zinc supplementation can help combat the damage caused by smoking to sperm quality which protects the sperm. But while zinc can help reduce the damage caused by smoking, it would be important to quit if you’re trying to conceive.

Zinc sources

Zinc is present in some foods such as the following:

• oysters, contain more zinc per serving than any other food.

• meat, fish, poultry, shellfish.

• fortified breakfast cereals.

• beans, nuts, whole grains.

• eggs and dairy products.

Dietary supplements.

Zinc is available in supplements containing only zinc; others containing zinc in combination with other ingredients, such as Ferti-L el (sold exclusively at Fertifarma); and in many multivitamin/multimineral.

Some men, especially if they are vegetarians, may not be getting adequate amounts of zinc through their diet, if so, zinc supplements as the Ferti- L el can help increase zinc levels and ensure that your sperm receives the support it needs to develop properly.

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